[Announce] January 3, 2007 CINLUG Meeting at Glendale Branch, IMCPL

Michael Schultheiss schultmc at cinlug.org
Mon Dec 25 08:31:53 CST 2006

The January meeting of CINLUG, the Central Indiana Linux Users' Group,
is scheduled for 6:30PM on Wednesday, January 3, 2007.  The meeting is
being held at the Glendale Mall branch of the Indianapolis-Marion County
Public Library (IMCPL) - 6101 N. Keystone Avenue, Indianapolis, IN

Directions can be found at

The January meeting features several differences that should be noted:

  1.  Different location - CINLUG meetings are now held at the Glendale
      Mall branch of the IMCPL
  2.  Different start time - due to the mall's operating hours, we will
      be starting at 6:30 PM to ensure we are out of the mall before it
      closes.  We plan on adjourning to the O'Charley's restaurant (in
      the mall parking lot) after the meeting.
  3.  Door prize changes - Starting in February 2007, CINLUG will have a
      new door prize setup.  All currently available door prizes will be
      given away at the January 2007 meeting.

Anyone is welcome to attend the meeting.  There will be door prizes and
a presentation by Gary Quarles, a Solutions Architect from Oracle
Corporation.  Mr. Quarles will be discussing Oracle's internal use of
Linux, Validated Linux configurations, a Historical overview of the
Linux marketplace, and Oracle technology.  Mr. Quarles was originally
scheduled to present at the October 2006 CINLUG meeting but was unable
to do so due to an emergency business commitment.  For more information
on Oracle, visit www.oracle.com.

The meeting agenda includes:

Call to order
Summary of the board meeting minutes
Discussion of upcoming events
Presentation on Oracle by Gary Quarles
Door Prizes drawing
Discussion time
Close of meeting

More information is available at http://www.cinlug.org

>From the web site (http://www.cinlug.org):

CINLUG meetings are held on the first Wednesday of each month 
They start at 6:30pm and the presentations usually last
about 1 - 1.5 hours. The meeting is usually followed by an
open discusion for any questions you may have about anything.

Annual dues are $30, collected each February and prorated biannually.  Paid
membership is _not_ required for attendance, but are encouraged to help
with funding events and expenses.  For more information on the benefits
of CINLUG membership, visit www.cinlug.org/about/member_benefits
If you would like to become a CINLUG member, there is a Paypal button
available on www.cinlug.org for your convenience.  Cash and checks are
also accepted at meetings.

CINLUG is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization.  Donations are tax
deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.  Visit
www.cinlug.org/501c3/ for more information.

Got a question about Linux or just something neat about Linux to share?
Post at the CINLUG Forums (http://forums.cinlug.org) or on the CINLUG
discussion list (http://lists.cinlug.org/listinfo/cinlug) 

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